NSA Codebreaker Challenge 2021

This is the NSA Codebreaker Challenge 2021. There are 10 tasks, mostly related to forensics and reverse engineering. It's like reading a story since there are some correlations among those tasks. Here's how I solve it, enjoy~

Black Hat USA 2021 Review

中文 First of all, thank Orange Tsai for giving me the opportunity to participate in Black Hat USA 2021 in Las Vegas. This article would not exist without this ticket. I am going to share my thoughts and some technical topics on the two days of Black Hat USA 2021 in this article. The hotel and the conference venue are connected. It takes 10 minutes to walk from my

Black Hat USA 2021 心得

English 首先,感謝 Orange 讓我有這個機會到 Las Vegas 參加 Black Hat USA 2021,沒有這張票就不會有這篇心得。 這篇文章將包含我在 Black Hat USA 2021 兩天的感想及技術議題分享。 我住的

OAuth 2.0 學習筆記

這篇筆記主旨在介紹OAuth 2.0及其資安觀念、伴隨的資安風險 整篇文章將分成五個部分 Introduction Authorization code Implicit flow, PKCE OpenID Connect Security Risk on OAuth 2.0 Introduction 開放授權(OAuth)是一個