Hackthebox - Shocker
From nmap, there are http and ssh service.
This is the web page.
With gobuster, we found that there is a directory
I used gobuster again to check if there is other stuffs in cgi-bin, and found user.sh.
When it comes to Shocker
, I get the idea of Shellshock
. I use nmap to check if this vulnerability exists. It seems like it does.
We can set up the proxy on port 8081, and redirect to to see what the nmap script does with nmap -sV -p8081 --script http-shellshock --script-args uri=/cgi-bin/user.sh,cmd=ls -oN nmap/shellshock
We see that first, it tries to do some echo command and it really does in the response.
I try to run /bin/bash
, and it works as well.
That is, we can create a reverse shell and get user.txt.
With sudo -l
, we see that we can run perl
as root. I execute a shell with perl and get root.txt.
Author L3o
LastMod 2020-05-12