From nmap, there are ssh and http service.

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This is the web page.

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Take a look at the source code, there is an interesting comment.

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This is the directory, and I use gobuster for this directory.

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This is README, it shows that it is using version 4.0.3.

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This is the admin page. I tried to some basic credentials such as admin/nibbles, admin/password, and admin/nibbles works.

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Now we are able to login as admin.

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There is a pluging page, after uploading a file, it will be stored as

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So we upload a php reverse shell. By accessing it, we get the shell as user nibbler and get user.txt. With sudo -l, it shows that we can run /home/nibbler/personal/stuff/ as root.

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This is a piece of code from

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I modify so that it copies bash to local directory with SUID bit. Run ./bash -p, and we can run bash as root.

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