From nmap, there are ssh and http service.

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This is the web page.

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With gobuster, we found that there is a directory /ona/, which is running OpenNetAdmin.

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I tried to use the shell script in searchsploit for OpenNetAdmin.

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I input an urlencoded reverse shell command for ${cmd}.

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And we get a reverse shell as www-data. However, we cannot access jimmy and joanna’s directory.

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In /var/www/html/ona/local/config/, I get the password.

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With this password, I successfully connect to ssh as jimmy.

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In /var/www/internal/, there is main.php, which will print joanna’s id_rsa.

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With netstat, I found that it should be listened on port 52846 locally. I curl localhost at that port to get id_rsa.

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I use john the ripper to get its passphrase bloodninjas.

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I connect to ssh with that key and get user.txt. With sudo -l, I found that I can run /bin/nano /opt/priv with anyone’s privilege.

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Run it, ^R^X, and type reset;sh 1>&0 2>&0. I get the shell as root.

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