From nmap, there are many service.

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We can access Backups share in the smb server. One of the directory contains two .vhd files.

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I mount it with guestmount --add xxx.vhd --inspector --ro -v /mnt/vhd. In the directory /Windows/System32/config/ from 9b9cfbc4-369e-11e9-a17c-806e6f6e6963.vhd, I got SAM. I use impacket-secretsdump to get hashes.

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With crackstation, I get L4mpje’s password. I can use ssh to connect to the server.

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I got user.txt. In C:\Program Files (x86), there is a directory mRemoteNG.

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Go to C:\Users\L4jpie\AppData\Roaming\mRemoteNG, we can see many files.

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From confCons.xml, I got encrypted password.

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I use mRemoteNG-Decrypt to decrypt it, and get the password.

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Now, I can login as Administrator.

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