From nmap, there are ssh and http service opened.

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This is the web page.

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From the post, we can get the username Takis.

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With wpscan, seems like there is a vulnerability in job-manager plugin.

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In this blog post, it tells about how to trigger this vulnerability.

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I tried to upload a php file, but it didn’t work.

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I found that I can access different posts with different id. I used a shell script to get some posts' titles.

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No.13 HackerAccessGranted is quite weird, so I use the cve python script to look for its CV.

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This is a .jpg file. With steghide and john the ripper, I got id_rsa with its passphrase superpassword.

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I ssh to the server as takis, and get a shell as root with a sudo permission to a special binary.

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