Hackthebox - Popcorn
From nmap, there are ssh and http service opened.
This is the web page.
With gobuster, I found other directories.
These are /rename
and /torrent
I used sqlmap to check if there is SQLi in the login page from /torrent
And there it is, it is running MySQL.
I login as admin
with SQLi, and I can edit torrent to upload my stuff. There is a upload
directory to access uploaded files.
I create a file test.png
, which is a php reverse shell script.
I upload it as a screenshot.
It is right there. But I need to change its extension so that it can be executed.
With /rename
, I made the extension to .php
Access it, I got the reverse shell as www-data
, it showed the linux version 2.6.31, and Dirty COW
should work.
I executed the script. After that, I can switch to the new user firefart
, who had the root privilege.
Author L3o
LastMod 2020-06-06