From nmap, there are ssh and http services opened.

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This is the web page.

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There is a hint telling where the source code is.

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I used wfuzz to get the right directory develop.

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This is the source code

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And this part is interesting, it seems that there is a command injection vulnerability.

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Try it with burp suite, and take the reverse shell script as payload.

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I got a reverse shell as www-data. I need to become robert.

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I got check.txt, out.txt, passwordreminder.txt, and

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Since (check.txt + key) % 255 = out.txt, I make (out.txt - check.txt) % 255 to recover the key, which is alexandrovich. Decrypt passwordreminder.txt with this key, I got the password.

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Now, I am robert. With sudo -l, I can run as root.

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The vulnerability of is that it creates a copy of /etc/shadow to /tmp/SSH/<random string>, so I can use watch -n 0.1 cp * /tmp/ to copy all the created files in /tmp/SSH to /tmp. After executing, I got root’s hash.

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Crack it with hashcat, the password is mercedes. Now, I am root.

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