From nmap, there are many service.

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In smb, we can read the share Replication.

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With smbmap -R Replication --depth 8 -H, we can see a Groups.xml file.

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I got a username and cpassword from it, and use gpp-decrypt to decrypt the password.

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I tried using this credential with smb again. This time, I can read even more shares.

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I got user.txt from share Users.

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I’m going to use BloodHound for further investigation. I test the connection first.

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And use SharpHound to collect information.

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Open the zip file with BloodHound, select Shortest Path from Kerberoastable Users, and we can see that Administrator is Kerberoastable.

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That is, I can use from impacket to get Administrator’s hash.

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With hashcat, I got password Ticketmaster1968 and use psexec to login. Now, I am administrator.

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