From nmap, there are some service opened.

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With further scanning, I found that port 5985 and 49668 are opened as well.

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This is the web page.

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Press Login as guest, we are redirected to issues.php. hazard could be a username.

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I got config.txt from the Attachment. There are some credentials encrypted. One is md5, I use hashcat to decrypt it.

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Since they mentioned cisco router in issues.php, I used to decrypt cisco type 7 password.

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Now I got 3 usernames and 3 passwords, I used crackmapexec to see which pair can login to smb.

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I can login to rpc with this credential as well, so I use to get more usernames.

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I used winrm_login module in msf, trying to find the credential pair for winrm.

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I got connected as chase with evil-winrm.

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I access C:\inetpub\wwwroot\login.php to find the credential for the web portal.

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I cracked the password from a cracking website, and get login as administrator with this password using evil-winrm.

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