Hackthebox - Mango
From nmap, there are ssh, http, and https services opened.
This is the http web page.
This is the https web page.
This is a domain mentioned in nmap’s result.
From the title Mango
, I got the idea of MongoDB
. I tried the login page with [$ne]
to confirm my thought. And the page changed because I create a true statement.
I used an open-source python script to get the username and password.
I successfully login to the server with ssh as mango
. I can switch to admin
with the other credential. From /etc/ssh/sshd_config
, we can see that admin
is not allowed to login from ssh.
There is an interesting SUID binary jjs
From gtfobins, I found a way to write ssh public key to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
. After that, I can ssh to the server as root
Author L3o
LastMod 2020-06-30