From nmap, there are ssh, http, and rpc service.

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This is the web page.

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We can discover more ports opened if we scan to port 65535.

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There is IRC service at port 6697, so I use HexChat to connect. It’s using version Unreal3.2.8.1.

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There is a backdoor in this IRC version. We execute the following command to get a reverse shell as ircd.

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We do not have the permission to access user.txt, but we can access a .backup file, which contains a steg backup password.

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I download the face image from the web page, and use steghide to extract the file from it with the password. We get pass.txt successfully.

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We now switch to user djmardov and get user.txt. There is a special file /usr/bin/viewuser with SUID bit and owner root. I execute it, it shows that sh: 1: /tmp/listusers: not found.

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I create a file /tmp/listusers, and it is a shell script to copy bash with SUID bit. Execute /usr/bin/viewuser, and we get the /tmp/bash. With ./bash -p, we are now root.

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