From nmap, there are ssh and http service.

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This is the web page.

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From gobuster, we found that there is upload.php, photos.php, /backup/, and /uploads/.

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There are source code in backup.tar, which is upload.php and lib.php.

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What I did was add php reverse shell payload at the end of the image and upload it.

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After we upload it, we can access it from directory /uploads/. The file name is 10_10_14_15.php.png, and we are now user apache. There is a file crontab.guly, and it indicates that check_attack.php is executed every 3 minute.

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Take a look at it, we can do code injection at line 28, where $value is the filename.

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I create a file named a;python.... A reverse shell will be executed when line 28 is executed.

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Now, we are guly, with sudo -l, I found that I can run with root privilege.

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This is the source code of I typed a bash as my first input, so when the config is executed, I can get the shell as root.

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